Articles for Pastors
4 Aspects of Developing Key Leaders
Pastors, ministry teams, and developing key leaders must work together to create a healthy leadership culture in which ministry teams members partner with staff members to provide intentional leadership over an area of ministry.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
15 Great Christmas Sermon Tips Every Preacher Needs
There's no shortage of advice for Christmas sermons -- and we need all the help we can get! Peter Mead of offers 15 practical suggestions for Christmas sermons.
Articles for Pastors
7 Signs the Insecure Leader on the Team . . . Is You!
If you live insecure, you’ll die insecure. You don’t outlive insecurity. You outgrow it.
Articles for Pastors
Thanksgiving: the Forgotten Holiday
I call Thanksgiving The Forgotten Holiday. Retailers are so eager to get Christmas sales they overlook it, and worship leaders are so busy preparing for Advent.
Articles for Pastors
13 Thanksgiving Meditations
Slow down! You're probably not scheduled to preach on Thanksgiving Day, so why not enrich your own spiritual life with these Thanksgiving meditations.
Articles for Pastors
20 Scriptural Benedictions You Can Use to Bless Your Church
Benedictions are divine blessings from Scripture pronounced by the minister in order to equip God’s people as He sends them out into the world to live for Christ.
Is Your Thanksgiving Sermon Ready? Here’s Help!
You can capture your congregation’s attention by preaching a deep thanksgiving semon. By doing so, you will serve them well, and maybe even make December a happier, and more godly, place around your church.
Articles for Pastors
15 Preaching Quotes for Thanksgiving
Good preaching quotes great preachers. How much will you talk about Thanksgiving (or the giving of thanks) from the pulpit this year? 400 years of American history, coupled with the full history of the church worldwide, provides us with plenty of preaching quotes for Thanksgiving.
Reclaiming Compassion—A Call for the Church To Become the Good Samaritan Once Again
Who do the people in our cities look to as the Good Samaritan? The church, or the government?
Gen Z Might Just be Running Away From Us. Here Are 3 Ways to Change That.
I recently had an encounter with a college student that made me stop and think. I asked what she felt was different about her cohort, Gen Z. Her answer was insightful.
Articles for Pastors
The Unwritten Pastor Job Description: People Are Counting on You
The reality is if you had your church list five key elements of a pastor job description, you are only gifted at one or two of them.