Pastor How To's

Pastors and Pay: How To Negotiate a Pastor Salary

It seems awfully unspiritual to talk about the pastor salary, especially during the candidating process. But our rejection of greediness does not constitute a vow of poverty. Here are a few thoughts, especially if you’re considering a pastoral transition.

Pastor, Use This Checklist for Better Preaching

I am not the best preacher on the planet, but I am passionate about better preaching. Here are a few things that I have learned along the way and things that I am currently trying to implement.

Big, Unfriendly Churches Are Bad — But Small Unfriendly Churches Are Dangerous

Not to say that a large crowd is bad, but the mere fact of its size causes us to act more passively, even in church. So even in unfriendly churches we put on our polite crowd-smile and become an audience.

Growing in God’s Strength: 10 Promises John Piper Wants You to Memorize

Growing in God's strength raises a couple of questiuons: How do you do a task in the strength of another? How do you exert your will to do something in such a way that you are relying on the will of another to make it happen?

7 Foundations for Church Unity

With understated simplicity, God reveals something of his nature in just 62 words. He loves church unity and bestows his blessing wherever he finds it.

The Arrogant Pastor — How NOT to Be One

The arrogant pastor. Even writing an aticle on this almost guarantees comments about pots and kettles. I'm as human as you are. And if we are all honest with ourselves, we would admit that it is a struggle for each of us in some way. 

Do You Suffer From a Poverty of Time?

We live in a day of overload and overcommitment. Because of that, some now speak of the poverty of time: our inability to stop, to slow down, to process, reflect and sabbath.

A Gutsy Prayer for Men To Pray

They have a vibrant and consistent prayer life, even though you’ve never seen their private prayers. And you wish your relationship with God was more like theirs. That kind of prayer for men is available toi us all.

Share Your Sermons and Teaching on Amazon Alexa

StreamingChurchTV has a new concept that gives pastors and teachers a new platform for giving millions of people access to their sermons and teaching through Amazon Alexa devices.

How To Pastor and Befriend Creatives

At Sojourn, here's what we learned about each other, and about how to befriend creatives, pastor them, and mentor or live as a spouse with a Romantic/Originalist/Artist.

Do You Use the “Billy Graham Rule?”

If you are not familiar with the Billy Graham Rule it came from Reverend Graham’s observation that so many evangelists who had fallen into immorality while separated from their families by travel.