Articles for Worship & Creative
God’s Frailty: A Christmas Parable
God came to nation which eagerly longed for his coming, prayed for his return, and placed all their hopes in his presence. Yet most of the nation missed the hour of his visitation. Is this simply history, or a Christmas parable for our day?
Articles for Worship & Creative
A Shalom Prayer: Lyric and Liturgy of Advent
The lyrics and liturgy of Advent and Christmas need to catch all of us off guard with its beauty, its clarity, or the profound simplicity of its gospel message.
Articles for Worship & Creative
The True Story of Thanksgiving
For the Christian, with both feet standing firmly in the good news of Jesus, there are possibilities for a true story of thanksgiving which we otherwise would never know.
Articles for Worship & Creative
You are Beloved – Stay in Christ
Stay in Christ. Stay in Christ. This is the way. Stay in Christ. We must be led by Love before we can lead with love. You are beloved.
Articles for Worship & Creative
The Book of Common Prayer – It’s UN-Common!
While much could be said about the structure, style, and influence of the Book of Common Prayer, perhaps most important for Christians in the Reformed tradition is the language of its prayers.
Articles for Worship & Creative
7 Thanksgiving Reminders
The room hushed, as we eyed one another and the epicurean feast before us. Then our hostess announced loudly, “OK everyone! Dig in!” There were no Thanksgiving reminders. #Thanksgiving
Articles for Worship & Creative
What Insecure Worship Leaders Need
Insecure worship leaders are being held back 100% of the time. Why? Because an insecurity always act in its own best interests.
Articles for Worship & Creative
5 MORE Worship Challenges We Face All the Time
One of the greatest worship challenges we face is remembering why we are Christians and why we are worshiping.
Articles for Worship & Creative
Seeing the Impossible Happen During Worship
What role does worship have in seeing the impossible happen in people? Could it be we’ve underestimated what is going on in the room?
Articles for Worship & Creative
Are You Too Old to Lead Worship?
How old is too old? How young is too young? Does a multi-generational worship team work? What are the best practices?
Articles for Worship & Creative
5 Worship Challenges We Face All the Time
Pick a church, attend Lord’s Day worship, and more than likely you will discover that authentic Christian worship is in real trouble. We all face worship challenges.