Outreach & Missions How To's
How to Witness to Family Members at Thanksgiving
What if we saw our gatherings with extended family not as a chance to check out, but as an opportunity for Christian mission? Do you know how to witness to family members?
Outreach & Missions How To's
4 Practical Ways to Support Missionaries
It would be easy to focus exclusively on our local churches in this difficult season, but recently the International Missions Board of the SBC listed practical ways we can support missionaries during these trying times.
Outreach & Missions How To's
Your Checklist For Sharing the Gospel
Sharing the Gospel is like flying an airplane. You want to take off smoothly, have a solid flight plan, know how to deal with emergency situations and then, of course, land safely.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
7 Things All Growing Churches Have in Common
At the end of the day, the church is all about helping people meet Jesus. Growing churches make decisions based on who they are trying to reach, not who they are trying to keep.
Outreach & Missions How To's
12 Ways To Make Sure Easter Guests Don’t Come Back
If you actually care about Easter guests and irregular church attendees because you believe they matter to God, you might consider doing just the opposite of this list.
Outreach & Missions How To's
Outreach Strategy for Advertising: 10 Helps
An outreach strategy uses advertising to help us tell the message of the church and the Christ of the church.
Outreach & Missions How To's
How To Be Transparent in Ministry (and Why)
Real transparency between fellow sisters (and brothers) in Christ is much deeper and much more difficult than what we commonly practice. Being transparent in ministry is painful, embarrassing, humbling work, for the teller as well as for the hearer.
Outreach & Missions How To's
6 Simple Ways To Love Your Neighbors This Holiday Season
Fresh ideas to strengthen and liven up your community.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
5 Essential Ingredients for Planting Churches
Growing larger isn’t the most beautiful part of our story. It’s that we’ve managed to spread out and multiply by planting churches.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
8 Easy Ways To Be Missional
Missional is not an event we tack onto our already busy lives. It is our life. Mission should be the way we live, not something we add onto life:.There are easy ways to be missional everyday without overloading our schedules.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
All Christians Are Called to Full Time Ministry
If you call yourself a Christian, your agenda is now filled with an all-consuming calling from Christ himself to full time ministry.