On May 19, Pastor Joel Osteen delivered his 1,000th message at Lakewood Church in Houston, celebrating 25 years of God’s faithfulness and blessings. The 61-year-old televangelist and author, who is associated with the prosperity gospel movement, expressed awe at God’s power and sovereignty.
“I keep using that phrase, ‘Who would’ve ever thought?’” Osteen told worshipers on Sunday. “You step into blessings that God’s preordained for you.”
Back in 1999, Osteen was working in TV production for Lakewood, which his father, John Osteen, founded in a tent 40 years earlier. In a clip from Joel Osteen’s first sermon, he joked, “I feel like the day of miracles is not over since they got me up here.” Days later, his father suffered a heart attack and died.
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Joel Osteen said God then gave him the desire to pastor Lakewood. “I wanted to step up,” he said. Six months later, he officially took over at the church.
Pastor Joel Osteen: ‘I Still Stand in Awe’
In a video played during Sunday’s services, Osteen said at first he tried to be like his dad. Then he read Acts 13:36 and realized he needed to fulfill God’s purpose for him, not for his father.
The video featured clips from major events and testimonies from people whose faith and lives have been affected by Osteen. “His message of hope and encouragement was right for me,” said one man. Another described not wanting to hear about “hellfire and brimstone” but how to get out of that.
Victoria Osteen, Joel’s wife and co-pastor, said his longevity is part of his legacy. “He’s teaching God’s people how to live out their salvation,” she said.
To conclude the video, Joel Osteen said, “I still stand in awe. That’s why I weep so much.” God’s goodness and faithfulness are overwhelming, he added, pointing to the 16,000-seat Compaq Center where Lakewood meets. “The next 1,000 [sermons] are even gonna be better,” he predicted.
Joel Osteen: ‘A Thousand Times More’
In his 1,000th sermon, Osteen highlighted Moses’ words to Israelite leaders in Deuteronomy 1:11. “May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!”
God has blessings in store for people that will “boggle your mind,” Osteen told listeners. The key is that “you have to receive this thousand-times blessing. You have to let it take root in your spirit.” That involves ignoring the naysayers, removing any limits you set on God, and being obedient.