Outreach Leaders

Great Leaders Are Great Listeners

We often skip over one particular characteristic that has a surprising influence on a leader’s ability to lead better: great leaders are great listeners.

4 Myths Christians Should Stop Believing About Depression

There are several myths about depression that Christians need to stop believing. Truly, it breaks my heart when I think about the misunderstanding and shame that can surround this topic.

4 Types of Anonymous Critics

Anonymous critics comes with leadership. In my experience, if you aren’t receiving any criticism — you probably aren’t leading.

Astonished at Another Gospel!

You can be astonished by something bad. And that’s exactly where we find the apostle Paul with the Galatians. He was astonished at them.

A Deficit of Discipleship: The American Church Is Off-Mission

The American church is off-mission. That may seem like a ridiculous statement considering the number of growing megachurches and multisite churches around the country. How could the church be off-mission with record crowds?

Don’t Leave Them Alone: How Your Church Can Faithfully Support the Bereaved

Without biblically-centered grief support, people might miss out on the deeper, spiritual healing that comes only from God’s promises and the Christian community.

Why Isn’t the Good News Connecting With People?

If God’s good news is so life-altering, if it is the best thing in the world, one would expect that we who are Christ’s disciples would be telling the news wherever we go.

The Danger of Church Shopping

Church shopping should be avoided even if it means asking people to redirect or abandon their various self-defined spiritual paths. The lordship of Christ, not the lordship of consumers, should always be central.