Christmas Messages for Youth Group: Impact the Lives of Preteens

Christmas messages for youth group
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Christmas messages for youth group and preteens can be challenging. Many older kids are already familiar with the biblical events of Jesus’ birth. But knowing the deeper meaning of Christmas is truly life-changing.

So how do we tailor the Christmas message for youth? How can we get the good news of Luke 2 to “stick” in kids’ hearts and minds? Try these Christmas messages for youth group and preteens this season:

Christmas Messages for Youth Group: 3 Tips

1. Make it real.

When sharing Christmas messages for youth group and junior highers, talk about how Jesus impacts our lives now. Immanuel, which means “God with us,” sums up the core message of Christmas. How many preteens have sung songs and heard that word repeated but missed the meaning?

God with us means we have access to a relationship with Jesus now. God is present here on earth. Because of Jesus, we can have a real relationship with the Creator of the universe! So use Christmas messages for youth group to discuss what that looks like in a preteen’s daily life.

2. Be experiential.

Preteens disengage when we preach to them. They don’t want to sit for 20 minutes and listen to you communicate information. Older kids learn best from a hands-on, experiential approach to learning.

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Nick Diliberto
Over twelve years ago Nick Diliberto lauched a preteen ministry with a handful of volunteers and about 25 kids. Over the years it grew to over 100 kids and has impacted hundreds of young people's lives. Nick is the driving force behind, Children's Director at La Jolla Presbyterian Church, workshop speaker and author of an ongoing preteen column in Children's Ministry Magazine.

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