Teach Your Children at Christmas: 5 Lessons From the Season

teach your children at Christmas


“Mom, I need to add something to my Christmas wish list.” It’s that time of year again! Children’s minds are filled with ads, wants, and wrapped packages. But Christmas also provides wonderful opportunities to pour Gospel truths into young hearts. You can teach your children at Christmas that Jesus is the greatest gift they could ever receive.

Here are 5 important truths to teach your children at Christmas:

1. The Story of Redemption

During Advent, when we anticipate Jesus’ birth, we can celebrate the big-picture story of Scripture. In our family, we begin with Creation and daily walk through God’s plan of redemption until we get to Christ’s birth on Christmas Day.

We talk about the Fall and God’s promise of a Savior in Genesis 3:15. Then we read about his promise to Abraham that he reaffirms throughout the Old Testament. We discuss Moses and the “one greater than Moses” who will come. Plus, we read the prophecies in Isaiah. We look at how all the Bible points to our Redeemer.

2. The Humility of Christ

For the world, the holiday season is about extravagance, opulence, and making every detail picture-perfect. The story of Jesus, however, is one of humility. You can teach your children at Christmas what it means to be greatest in the kingdom (Matthew 20:26–28). Jesus’ parents, his birthplace, his hometown, and his very act of taking on human flesh were all demonstrations of humility.

Most people expected the Messiah to arrive in a castle, not a stable. They expected him to live a life of royalty, not poverty. And they expected Jesus to conquer the Romans, not be crucified by them. Read through Philippians 2:1–11 and show children the humility of Christ.

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Christina Foxhttp://toshowthemjesus.com/
Christina Fox is a homeschooling mom, licensed mental health counselor, and writer. She lives in sunny south Florida with her husband of sixteen years and their two boys.

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