Worship & Creative Leaders

HuddleCam HD Review

The HuddleCam HD webcam gives you the same quality as their many other products, and it’s super affordable at around $90.

Should Expressive Worship Be Physical?

It’s understandable that people sometimes wonder if expressive worship leaders are simply imitating entertainment culture in asking people to respond.

Steeplejacking: A Hostile Takeover in Worship?

Steeplejacking is a coined term that describes the attempt to infiltrate, influence and take-over an existing congregation.

Worship: Lead From the Lightning

Sometimes we see the lightning, and we should take encouragement when we do. Worship is a storm front; lead from the lightning.

Let Children Lead Worship!

It’s true that kids can point out the obvious and teach us a thing or two, but what if we intentionally taught them to lead? What if we encouraged them to lead? And, are you ready for this? What if we let children lead worship?

What Ruined Contemporary Worship?

Something happened that has absolutely ruined contemporary worship: the CCM industry collapsed. Now a young, hopeful CCM artist who really has no interest in being a worship leader goes straight into a worship leading job so he can make a living in music—there are simply no record deals to be had.

What Makes a Compelling Worship Service?

In an article I once wrote for Churchleaders.com, 8 Surprising Insights from a Former Pastor, I shared 8 key insights I’d learned during those...

12 Steps to Discover Your Call to Music Ministry

Music ministry is one of the most vital ministries in the local church and should be viewed as a sacred office. Discovering your call begins with a DESIRE to be used by God to impact the local church and the world around you.