
Making Friends With Your Anxiety

God gave you anxiety on purpose. When it’s functioning in a healthy way it’s actually VERY helpful. You see, anxiety is your body, your sympathetic nervous system, signaling you about something that needs your attention and doesn’t feel safe.

Lectio Divina (Devotional Reading)

Lectio Divina is one way you can read Scripture to abide in God’s presence and to experience his living Word for you today.

Embracing Embodied Spirituality: A Call to Pastors and Church Leaders

Embodied spirituality recognizes that our physical bodies are not mere vessels for our souls but integral to our spiritual life and relationship with God.

Humility: A Foundational Pastoral Virtue

Here are five thoughts for pastors to consider about humility, from Dallas Willard’s presentation, “Three Steps to Humility.”

Mindy Caliguire: Soul Care for the Exhausted Leader

Mindy Caliguire and Jason Daye explore how we can reframe our perspective of caring for our own souls to view it as an invitation rather than another item on our to-do list. Mindy then shares some incredible ideas and examples of how we can begin prioritizing our own soul care.

Tell-Show-Help-Watch Discipleship

In exploring the dynamic interplay between neuroscience and Christian discipleship, we uncover a profound alignment between biblical principles and modern scientific insights.

Joby Martin: Guardrails of Grace for Healthy Ministry Leaders

Joby Martin and Jason Daye look at some of the challenges we have as ministry leaders when it comes to experiencing God's grace. Joby also shares some ideas and practices that can help us truly experience the fullness of living in Christ as we serve his church.

Are You a High Hoper?

Hopeful people identify specific, tangible goals. They see many pathways to reach these goals, and they nurture an “I can” attitude.