Articles for Youth Leaders
What Does a Godly Relationship Look Like: 4 Insights From Jesus
Teenagers who attend your youth group meetings likely have many questions about relationships. They're asking what does a godly relationship look like. And you have the opportunity to share what Jesus says about that.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Youth Sermon Topics: A Fresh Approach to Preaching
Coming up with new youth sermon topics can be a challenge for youth leaders and pastors. How do you find fresh topics, especially when you preach weekly?
Articles for Youth Leaders
Advice for Graduates: 10 Tips to Share With Graduating Seniors
Need advice for graduates in your youth ministry or church? Here are 10 bits of life wisdom for graduating seniors.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Youth Pastor Tensions: When You Clash With Your Senior Pastor
Explore tips to maintain and restore the important bond between youth pastor and senior pastor.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Letter to Graduating Senior High School Students: Celebrate & Encourage Your Grads
A letter to graduating senior high school students is a great way to honor your youth group members. Here's a sample message you can adapt.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Commanding Respect (Not Demanding It) as a Leader
Commanding respect is a worthy goal for church leaders. But you can’t demand respect. Instead, followers must freely give it to you.
Youth Leaders Blogs
Teaching Spiritual Disciplines to Youth: 5 Important Tips
Spiritual disciplines really boil down to spending regular, focused time with God. Teaching spiritual disciplines to youth isn't complicated. Just follow these guidelines.
Youth Leaders Blogs
Celebrate Recovery for Youth: How This Program Helps Students
Is Celebrate Recovery for youth? Discover the many ways this program offers hope and healing for junior high and high school students.
Youth Leaders Blogs
Clean Heart Clear Mind: Can’t-Lose Spiritual Disciplines
Clean heart clear mind. Discover why those spiritual disciplines lead to a winning relationship with God.
Youth Leaders Blogs
Youth Ministry Don’ts: 18 Tips for Newbies (and Longtimers too!)
Youth ministry don'ts are full of wisdom. Check out these 18 tips about what NOT to do!
Articles for Youth Leaders
How to Spread the Gospel: 21 Ways Teens Can Evangelize
For teens, ideas for how to spread the Gospel are boundless. Kids in your youth group can try these 21 evangelism ideas.