
worship leader

A Great Worship Leader Needs These 5 Skills

Essentially, a great worship leader is one who maintains a posture of loving Jesus more than worship. A great worship leader who leads well is one who follows Jesus. One who never stops pursuing. Here are the skills you need.

What Are Reasonable Worship Leader Expectations?

What are worship leader expectations that make sense in your particular ministry setting?

What She Said at the Start of Worship Service Changed Everything

Each Sunday, as we settle into our worship service, we buckle our seat belt. Whatever comes, Lord, my trust is in you.

Women in Worship – Raising Up Women Worship Leaders

My hope is that whether you have women worship leaders in your church currently or you are asking God to raise up female leaders for your team, you would find this a helpful place to gain insight.

5 Reasons Praise and Lament Belong Together in Worship

The pervasiveness of lament in the Bible should lead us to question how well we are incorporating lament into our worship.

12 Ways to Get Rid of Your Worship Leader

A tongue-in-cheek guide to get rid of a worship leader. These are 12 surefire, guaranteed ways to make sure your worship minister never comes back. Discover 12 ways to get rid of your worship leader.

Former Worship Leader Heads Group From L.A.’s Skid Row in Emotional Performance on ‘America’s Got Talent’

An ensemble of singers consisting of previously unhoused individuals received a standing ovation—and four yes votes from judges—last week on “America’s Got Talent.” Eight members of the Freedom Singers performed a moving rendition of the Red Hot Chili Peppers song “Under the Bridge.”

Don’t Call Me a Worship Leader. Seriously.

I have a concern with the way that we use a couple of particular words: I don’t want to be called a ‘worship leader’ anymore.