Articles for Pastors
13 Thanksgiving Meditations
Slow down! You're probably not scheduled to preach on Thanksgiving Day, so why not enrich your own spiritual life with these Thanksgiving meditations.
Is Your Thanksgiving Sermon Ready? Here’s Help!
You can capture your congregation’s attention by preaching a deep thanksgiving semon. By doing so, you will serve them well, and maybe even make December a happier, and more godly, place around your church.
Articles for Worship & Creative
7 Thanksgiving Reminders
The room hushed, as we eyed one another and the epicurean feast before us. Then our hostess announced loudly, “OK everyone! Dig in!” There were no Thanksgiving reminders. #Thanksgiving
Articles for Pastors
15 Preaching Quotes for Thanksgiving
Good preaching quotes great preachers. How much will you talk about Thanksgiving (or the giving of thanks) from the pulpit this year? 400 years of American history, coupled with the full history of the church worldwide, provides us with plenty of preaching quotes for Thanksgiving.
Outreach & Missions How To's
How to Witness to Family Members at Thanksgiving
What if we saw our gatherings with extended family not as a chance to check out, but as an opportunity for Christian mission? Do you know how to witness to family members?
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
10 Lepers Object Lesson: KidMin Resources About Thanking God
A 10 lepers object lesson focuses on Jesus' healing power and people's response. Use these resources to teach children about gratitude to God.
Articles for Youth Leaders
Bible Study on Thankfulness: Explore Gratitude With Your Teens
A Bible study on thankfulness helps young people discover the many reasons to express gratitude to God. Check out these resources for youth groups!
Mental Health
Cultivating Staff Gratitude
As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach, it is crucial for ministry teams to be intentional about cultivating a spirit of gratitude among their staff.