
small groups

Proven Strategies To Launch More Small Groups

Churches CAN launch more small groups fast enough to keep up with the demand for discipleship, if they change up how they are launching more small groups. Here are 7 things I’ve discovered over the last 15 years in working with over 1,500 churches across North America.

The Beauty of Eating Together in Small Groups

One of the most beautiful aspects of eating together is in the mutual recognition of the beauty in each and every person.

How Storytelling in Small Groups Can Be Transformational

In the context of small groups, storytelling is the personal narration of our life experiences. It is something, I believe, that is part of the very fabric of who we are as image-bearers of God.

8 Free Tools for Ministry Success

Having the right tools is vital. Here are eight free tools that will help you take your ministry to the next level.

How Emotional Force Fields Can Impact Your Small Group

I learned about the concept of force fields. In the same way every leader and pastor carries with him or her their own emotional force fields.

Ed Stetzer: 4 Reasons Small Groups Are Vital to Your Church’s Health

If you think community is an important part of healthy church life, and I hope you do, then small groups should also be important to you. They are actually crucial to the life of any church.

What Epaphras has to Teach Us About Small Groups

Epaphras wasn’t just another follower of Jesus. Oh no, he had an important part to play in the lives of the Colossians. He’s the one who they learned from. Learned about Jesus and learned how it changes their lives. It changes everything. And the lessons of Epaphras can be applied to small groups today.

3 Reasons Coaching Fails

You’ve probably got a story about how you’ve tried coaching group leaders and how it failed. I actually have a few of those. But, let me assure you that coaching can and does work. You need coaches.