

The Path Forward: Personal Reflections on Healing and Recovery from Trauma

Recovery from trauma requires that we consistently focus our brains’ attention on that which contributes to the reversal of our trauma.

Amy Grant Is Home Recovering From Bicycle Accident, Postpones Tour Dates

Amy Grant, 61-year-old icon of contemporary Christian music and recently announced Kennedy Center Honoree, is recovering well at home after a bicycle accident that resulted in a brief hospitalization.

You Can Recover From Burnout: 12 Keys to Finding Your New Normal

To recover from burnout and overwhelm, you need better patterns, not just a better attitude.

Church Decline and Recovery During COVID-19

What is the true state of church attendance patterns over the past year-and-a-half? The National COVID-19 Church Attendance Project examines whether people are returning to church after the pandemic.

After Having Suicidal Thoughts, Comedian John Crist Says Prayer Is the Reason He’s Alive Today

Popular Christian comedian John Crist returned to Nashville's Grand Ole Opry stage Saturday night for the first time since stepping away from the spotlight...

Christian Comedian John Crist Posts on Instagram for First Time in Over Eight Months

“The most embarrassing part for me was that I make a living pointing out hypocrisy in a lot things but that the biggest hypocrite was “Me”.

Study: 20,000 Lives, $316 Billion Saved Annually by Faith-Based Recovery Groups

A new report shows a majority of substance abuse treatment programs include a spiritual component and that faith-based recovery groups save the U.S. economy more than $300 billion annually. September is National Recovery Month.

Temptation: Helping People Change Their Autopilot

We’re all tempted by something. It’s proof of being alive. If you’re not tempted, you’re not breathing. So the question isn’t, “Are you tempted?” The...