Paul Detterman

Paul has been senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church in River Forest, IL since 2016. A native of Ohio, he began ministry as a church musician with degrees in sacred music from Illinois Wesleyan University and Concordia Chicago. He received his theological training from Boston University School of Theology. In addition to pastoral ministry, Paul has served as Associate for Worship on the PC(USA) National Staff and as Executive Director of Presbyterians for Renewal/The Fellowship Community. Paul is a published author and composer, and blogs at

A Shalom Prayer: Lyric and Liturgy of Advent

The lyrics and liturgy of Advent and Christmas need to catch all of us off guard with its beauty, its clarity, or the profound simplicity of its gospel message.

The Book of Common Prayer – It’s UN-Common!

While much could be said about the structure, style, and influence of the Book of Common Prayer, perhaps most important for Christians in the Reformed tradition is the language of its prayers.

5 MORE Worship Challenges We Face All the Time

One of the greatest worship challenges we face is remembering why we are Christians and why we are worshiping.

5 Worship Challenges We Face All the Time

Pick a church, attend Lord’s Day worship, and more than likely you will discover that authentic Christian worship is in real trouble. We all face worship challenges.

How to Join The Many Tongues of World Communion Sunday

When a congregation’s “normal” pattern of worship is being enhanced or changed for a special emphasis like World Communion Sunday, it is important to design the changes in such a way that they heighten, not diminish, the clarity of the gospel message.

10 Current Challenges to Authentic Christian Worship

The greatest challenge to authentic Christian worship seems to be a crumbling foundation of authentic Christian faith.

Worship Context, Behavior, and Faith

My wife and I had an interesting experience one year at Calvin Worship Symposium. We learning something about the importance of worship context. It...

10 Current Challenges to Christian Worship

Pick a church, attend Lord’s Day worship, and more than likely you will discover that authentic Christian worship is in real trouble.

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