Paul Chappell

Dr. Paul Chappell is the pastor of Lancaster Baptist Church and the president of West Coast Baptist College in Southern California. Follow him on Twitter @PaulChappell and find him on Facebook. He and his wife, Terrie, have written a new book on marriage, Are We There Yet? Marriage—an Imperfect Journey for Perfect Couples. For more information on this book or to order, visit

10 Characteristics of a Healthy Church

A healthy church is not simply a church wrapped up in continual introspection and self-purification. It is a church wholly in love with Christ and fully committed to His Great Commission

10 Basic Marriage Truths Every Christian Spouse Should Know

A marriage that endures through the decades is the result of God’s grace through two people who are committed to one another. Here are 10 basic marriage truths—in no particular order—that every married Christian should remember.

What Do Pastors Do All Week?

"A common misconceptions of those who have not served as a senior pastor is that a pastor’s work is only the work of preaching."

Millennials and Megachurches

Millennials and megachurches—we often hear these terms used derisively. Or at least dismissively.

Ten Ways Every Christian Can Strengthen Their Church

If we follow Christ, we will strengthen the church. But what does that look like? Here are some attributes of church members who are growing in the Lord and building up His people.

Dangers and Delights of Raising Children in the Ministry

You are a parent. And just like every other parent, your job is to parent!

3 Choices Every Couple in Ministry Needs to Make

Don’t pit these two institutions of God—the home and the church—against each other by believing that you can only succeed in one.

5 Expectations That Ruin a Marriage

I’ve heard many unrealistic marriage expectations over the years. They usually begin with the phrase, “But I thought…” Here are several of the most common.

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