

Free Sermon Series Package: "Rules of Engagement"

"Whatever our status (single, married, parent, widowed, divorced), this is the day that the Lord has made."

Free eBook: Gospel-Centered Advent eBook for Parents

Advent is the season where we prepare our hearts for worshiping on Christmas Day as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus.

Does Your Church Have a Sabbatical Leave Policy?

"I recommend that all full-time pastors and staff receive a three-month paid sabbatical every six or seven years."

Confessions of a Church Merger

It is important that the senior leader goes “all in” and completely surrenders to his understanding of God’s Church Merger Plan.

The Arrogant Pastor — How NOT to Be One

The arrogant pastor. Even writing an aticle on this almost guarantees comments about pots and kettles. I'm as human as you are. And if we are all honest with ourselves, we would admit that it is a struggle for each of us in some way. 

How to Build Prayer Into a Worship Service

Getting prayer into your church means building prayer into the DNA of a congregation.

Pastors, Trust in the Providence of God

Pastor, are you trusting in the providence of God in your life and ministry? Providence is God’s guidance and protection in our lives and ministries.

Let’s Make Church Fun Again – From Tech to Tricks

I don’t know about your church past. I grew up attending church and, for the most part, it was fun. Being forced to attend “big church” with my parents was a drag, but most everything else was pretty great.