

5 Ways to Overcome Being an Insecure Leader

Being an insecure leader will weigh you down and hold you back as a pastor or leader. It will keep you from doing all you were called to do. Don’t let it!

7 Strategies in a New Leadership Position

I realized I’m only one person and although everyone wanted some of my time and there were more ideas than we could ever accomplish, I knew I would burnout if I didn’t pace myself. This meant I said no to some things – really many things

How to Walk With the Wise

I am thankful for the Proverbs, the parenting manual for the people of God in the Old Testament, because they teach us about walking with the wise.

Bad Listening is Bad Leadership. Are YOU a Bad Listener?

Sometimes even good leaders slip into bad listening habits. As you read these bad listening habits below, mentally check which one(s) you most easily slip into.

10 Harsh Realities of Leadership I Have Experienced

I love leadership. I feel called to it. I realize the need for good leadership, but the fact is leadership is hard. In my...

7 Practical Questions To Create Your Best Strategy

In my practice as a coach and consultant, one of the most common things I see is not the inability to make a good strategy; it’s the inattention to following through with it.

Are You a Leader of Leaders?

I’ve been asked the difference in being a leader of leaders and leading followers. It’s one of my favorite questions. The question ultimately points to a paradigm of leading people by which I try to lead.

Biblical Advice for Overwhelmed Leaders

Overwhelmed leaders are nothing new. There must have been a time when Moses was overwhelmed with responsibility. He may not have recognized it at...