
Kidmin Christmas

Holiday Tips to Help You Thrive Throughout the Christmas Season

Use these 7 holiday tips to help you avoid burnout throughout the Christmas season.

Children’s Ministry Christmas Lesson: A Very Special Gift

If you need a stand-alone children's ministry Christmas lesson, then unwrap "The Christmas Gift."

Poinsettia Christmas Tree: Try This Fun Craft With Kids

This poinsettia Christmas tree craft comes with a seasonal devotion. Use it to remind Sunday school children about the true meaning of the holiday.

Story of Mary and Joseph: 12 Christmas Lessons for Children

The story of Mary and Joseph is key to the story of Christmas. Yes, the focus should always be on Jesus. But kids of all ages can learn valuable lessons from his earthly parents.

Christmas Sunday School Lessons: 4 Ideas to Celebrate Jesus’ Birth

Christmas Sunday school lessons focus on Jesus, the real reason for the season. This material will work great in classrooms or children's church. Enjoy these 4 free Christmas lessons!

Christmas Outreach Idea for Children’s Ministry: Welcome Home!

In this Christmas outreach idea, kids help make their town a welcoming home for new residents. The Bible connection is that Jesus made the earth his home.

Preschool Christmas Bingo Game—No Reading Required!

Preschool Christmas Bingo is a fun Bible game for little learners. This holiday activity will spread Christmas cheer to kids who aren't yet ready to read.

Devotion for Christmas: Help Volunteers Celebrate Children’s Gifts

Looking for a devotion for Christmas to use with children's ministry volunteers? Use this resource to share seasonal joy with kidmin helpers.