Julie Roys
Christian News
RZIM Apologist: Ministry Needs to Apologize to Victims and ‘Overhaul’ Culture
A letter written by an apologist on staff with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) sheds light on how that organization has handled the allegations of sexual abuse concerning its late founder.
Christian News
James MacDonald Sues Attorney Who Looked Into His Finances
James MacDonald, who founded and served at Harvest Bible Chapel for 31 years before elders disqualified him from public ministry, claims that attorney Sally Wagenmaker intended to harm his reputation as well as his eventual arbitration efforts.
Christian News
Harvest Bible Chapel’s Accreditation Suspended With ECFA
The financial watchdog of evangelical churches, ECFA, has suspended Harvest Bible Chapel's accreditation. Many are saying the move comes way too late and are even calling the ECFA's competency into question over their delay.
Christian News
MacDonald Sons Resign From Harvest, Moody Pulls Books
Landon MacDonald indicated the past few months at Harvest Bible Chapel have been “painful and heavy in ways I didn’t think possible.”
Christian News
Elders Fire James MacDonald, Believe He Is ‘Harmful’ to the Church
Citing leaked audio footage aired during a radio program, the elders of Harvest Bible Chapel "accelerated" their decision to fire Senior Pastor James MacDonald.
Christian News
Harvest Bible Chapel Elders Admit ‘Failures’ and ‘Shortcomings’
After ongoing developments, elders addressed issues such as the Harvest Bible Chapel lawsuit against its critics, the firing of Naples pastor John Secrest, and inadequately mending "relational hurts."
Christian News
James MacDonald’s ‘indefinite sabbatical’ Is Effective Immediately
Following on the heels of the announcement that the Harvest Bible Chapel lawsuit is being dropped, the church elders have a new announcement.
Christian News
Harvest to Drop Lawsuit Against Critics
The elders of Harvest Bible Chapel have announced their intention to drop the lawsuit against five critics of the church and James MacDonald in particular.