Josh Reich
Josh Reich is the Teaching & Engagement Pastor at Pantano Christian Church in Tucson, AZ, the author of "Breathing Room: Stressing Less & Living More" and is passionate about helping people take their next step in life, faith, and leadership.
Articles for Pastors
The Unwritten Pastor Job Description: People Are Counting on You
The reality is if you had your church list five key elements of a pastor job description, you are only gifted at one or two of them.
Articles for Pastors
The Goal of Spiritual Practices
Spiritual practices are the ways that we connect with God and relate to God. But spiritual practices also do something else; they are how we become more present to God, others, and ourselves.
Ministry Tech Leaders
So You Think You Can Preach? Try Preaching on Camera
In person, you feel their energy. You read body language to know if they are engaged. You know if you are going too long or if you are connecting or not. But in a post-Covid world we will still need tips for preaching on camera.
Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders
How to Help Your Child Grow Spiritually: 7 Tips to Guide Young Faith
Knowing how to help your child grow spiritually is a top priority for Christian parents. Being able to guide children to grow spiritually is a privilege but can seem weighty at times. Read these 7 helpful tips on faith development and growth.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Quarantine Date Night for Spouses
Covid and quarantine have made everything challenging, but I think one of the biggest challenges is how to keep the romance alive in your marriage.
Articles for Pastors
Finding Someone to Walk With You as a Pastor
If you are a pastor, you need some kind of accountability. Someone to walk with you as a pastor. You know it. You also need friends, people who care for you, shepherd you and walk with you and your wife.
Pastor How To's
What to Do After You’ve Been Betrayed
The saddest thing when you are betrayed is that it never comes from your enemies. Ministry is a major place for betrayal, and when it happens in a church context, it hurts.
Articles for Pastors
What Will Ministry in a Post-Covid World Look Like?
The other day, I was on a Zoom call with a bunch of pastors, and we were talking about what is working and not working in this new post-covid world. As the call went on, we started to discuss what will come next for churches.
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