
healthy church

The World Isn’t Looking for a Bigger Church, They Want a Better Church

What does a better church experience look like? It's easy to think that the answer is growing bigger. But the truth is, people want to attend and serve at a church where they can experience being loved by the God who made them.

6 Members Who Build Up the Church

Pursue these qualities in your own life and encourage them in others. Pray for yourself and others. Pray that you will build up the church as faithful and patient members who attend, encourage, confront, pray, and serve.

3 Vital Needs for a Thriving Church

Every organization has three basic needs. This philosophy resonates with me and, based on my experience, I can see how it relates to a thriving church, business, or a non-profit.

Children’s Ministries Help These 25 Largest U.S. Churches Thrive

Each year, Outreach magazine releases a list of the largest and fastest-growing churches in the nation. Without exception, the churches always have great children's ministries.

Question: Is Your Church Founded on Strong Theology?

To build a healthy church requires intentionality. Here are some questions to ask your church regarding how strong its theology is.

10 Signs You’re Attending a Great Church

When you're plugged into a good church that's focused on the things of God, you can tell that it's different from a church that lacks this focus. Here are 10 signs you're attending a great church!

Post Traumatic Church Disorder: 12 Symptoms and 5 Treatments

Just below the surface, it affects daily interactions, vision casting and strategic planning. It affects how we relate to God and how we relate to others. I call it Post Traumatic Church Disorder.

Ed Stetzer: 5 Ways an Organization Can Move Toward a Healthier Place

How does an organization move from unhealthy to healthy? It's not simply something we can "will" into existence. It takes a process.