Full Strength Network

Full Strength Network exists to help ministry leaders discover full strength in wellbeing in areas like richer spiritual health, deeper relationships, and increased leadership capacity.

How Is Your EQ?

We tend to focus a lot on IQ, but how would you rate your EQ? Church leaders with higher emotional intelligence are better able to identify their own internal responses to triggers and respond with more empathy when others are triggered.

Anxious Pastors

What circumstances, struggles, or relationships are elevating anxiety over peace in your life? As pastors, the list can be extensive.

Rest: It’s Not What You Think

We have some myths to bust, and we have some Truth to dive back into so we can pursue the right kind of rest that is accessible here and now from a God who offers it to us freely.

Lectio Divina (Devotional Reading)

Lectio Divina is one way you can read Scripture to abide in God’s presence and to experience his living Word for you today.

Humility: A Foundational Pastoral Virtue

Here are five thoughts for pastors to consider about humility, from Dallas Willard’s presentation, “Three Steps to Humility.”

Are You a High Hoper?

Hopeful people identify specific, tangible goals. They see many pathways to reach these goals, and they nurture an “I can” attitude.

Solitude and Silence

Practicing solitude and silence does not come naturally. Yet without it, you miss the richness and depth of a walk with Christ that can come no other way.

Like a Child

What does childlike faith mean to you? How are you putting childlikeness into practice in your ministry? As ministers, we must remember that our first role is not pastor, but a child of God.

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