

A 3-Part Framework for Personal Development

Understanding who you are, how you are seen by others, and what you were designed to do is foundational for leadership confidence, and ultimately for leadership effectiveness and development.

Leadership Advice: Develop Where You Are

I’ve seen so many potentially great leaders waste opportunities because they were waiting for the perfect scenario before they began to develop as a leader.

10 Ways to Develop as a Church Leader

A church leader expends great effort and energy in developing other disciples. We do so on a micro level of individual discipling and training. We do it on a macro level of developing a churchwide system for moving people from unbelief to globally-engaged disciples.

5 Great Ways to Continually Develop as a Preacher

The best preachers are those who feel as if they are constantly in preaching training.

Practical Help for Developing Your Church’s Team Culture with Lee Coate

Lee Coate, the executive pastor in charge of ministry and media at The Crossing Christian Church in Las Vegas, talks about building strong church teams.

Underneath the Surface of Leadership Development

Leadership development is similar to a house in that the foundation is essential to the process and the outcomes. What is underneath the surface makes all the difference.

Best Practices in Elder Selection & Development

For all elders of any position the primary job is to actively shepherd the people of the church.

Todd Adkins: Why We Struggle to Develop Leaders in the Church

“Our job as pastors is to develop people. When you get to heaven, your legacy is not going to be something you’ve done; it’s going to be the people that you’ve developed.”