David Mathis
David Mathis (@davidcmathis) is executive editor at desiringGod.org and an elder at Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis. He has edited several books, including Thinking. Loving. Doing., Finish the Mission, and Acting the Miracle, and is co-author of How to Stay Christian in Seminary.
Articles for Worship & Creative
The True Story of Thanksgiving
For the Christian, with both feet standing firmly in the good news of Jesus, there are possibilities for a true story of thanksgiving which we otherwise would never know.
Outreach & Missions How To's
How to Witness to Family Members at Thanksgiving
What if we saw our gatherings with extended family not as a chance to check out, but as an opportunity for Christian mission? Do you know how to witness to family members?
Articles for Worship & Creative
Great is the Lord – Yes, But What is “Great?”
"The Bible tells us again and again, especially in the Psalms, that our God is great."
Articles for Pastors
True Leadership Is Sacrifice, Not Privilege
A true leader knows that Christian leadership is not about getting acclaim or recognition. True Christian leaders are those most ready to fall to their knees and be inconvenienced by the needs of others.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Do You Exercise Like a Nonbeliever?
"Should there be anything distinct about how a Christian exercises?"
Articles for Pastors
Treat Yourself to the Voice of God
“Don’t fool yourself into thinking there’s any virtue in making Bible time as unpleasant as possible.”
Pastor Blogs
Journal As a Pathway to Joy
Maybe you’ve never thought of journaling as a spiritual discipline.
It’s seemed like something only for the most narcissistic of introverts, or cute for adolescent...
Articles for Pastors
Mother’s Day: Her Children Arise and Call Her Blessed
Motherhood: One of God’s most significant means of his common and redeeming grace.
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