Daniel So

Daniel has been an editor with ChurchLeaders for several years. Daniel and his wife, along with an incredible team, helped plant Anchor City Church in San Diego—a third culture, multi-generational church who seeks to join the redemptive mission of God for our city and for the world. Daniel also serves on the advisory board of Justice Ventures International, a non-profit organization working to fight human trafficking and modern-day slavery around the world.

Christmas Fellowship Ideas for Your Small Group

What better time of year to engage your small group in meaningful—and fun—Christmas fellowship? You might even find that people who aren't normally involved in your church could be open to Christmas fellowship ideas and service opportunities through your small group.

Free Printable: David and Goliath Lesson Skit

"This skit dramatizes the Bible story where David battles Goliath. The scripture text for this incident is 1 Samuel 17."

Free Printable Package: Daniel in the Lions' Den

"This free cartoon illustration of “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” could be used as a teaching illustration for your Bible Lesson."

Free Outreach Event Package: "City of Heroes"

Use this free event package to create a fun outreach event for your youth ministry.

Free Coloring Pages: "Story of Daniel and the Lions"

"Download these free sequenced story sheets to teach children how God saved Daniel from the Lion’s Den."

Free Printable: Shield of Faith Puzzle

Download and print this puzzle for your preschool ministry.

Free Printable: Old Testament Review – Poetry

"Help children who are already familiar with many of the Bible stories to understand how they fit together to make the whole story of the Bible."

Free Game: Fruit of the Spirit Memory Match

"The fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithful and gentle and having control of oneself (Galatians 5:22-23)."

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