Benjer McVeigh

Benjer McVeigh is a Small Groups pastor at The Heights Community, a multi-site church in northern Utah. He loves helping pastors be better leaders so they can lead better churches, and he blogs at

Navigating Theological Disagreements in Ministry: 5 Key Questions

Navigating theological disagreements in ministry can be tricky for youth leaders. Consider these 5 questions before deciding what to do next.

How to Leave a Church: 3 Tips for Saying Goodbye to Youth Ministry

Knowing how to leave a church can be just as important as knowing how to come onboard a staff. Discover important insider tips for leaving a church well.

Apologetics Topics: 5 Questions Youth Workers Need to Address

Apologetics topics often come up during youth group. So youth workers should have a good handle on these 5 common questions from teens.

Ministry Branding for Maximum Outreach and Impact

For many local churches, ministries and Christian nonprofits, branding and marketing can be difficult practices to grasp. But ministry branding merely entails communicating who you really are (or rather, who you’re striving to be).

Maximizing Mentoring Relationships in Your Youth Ministry

Encouraging healthy mentoring relationships between students and adults is crucial in youth ministry. If a ton of students show up at your youth group,...

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