Sunday School Prayers: 5 Creative Ways Children Can Connect With God

Sunday school prayers
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Sunday school prayers don’t need to be quiet and subdued. Instead, kidmin teachers can get creative and incorporate prayer into games and other activities. Teach children that conversing with God isn’t boring or a chore. Instead, prayer is a privilege and an ongoing part of daily life.

Are you trying to find ways to incorporate more prayer into your children’s ministry? Then look no further! Here are five unique ideas to start using creative Sunday school prayers. PRO TIP: Share these ideas with parents, for use at home during family devotions.

1. Prayer Walk

Take a walk around your church grounds or neighborhood with kids. Stop every 50 steps and invite children to look around for:

  • something to praise God for creating,
  • someone who has a need, and
  • something that reminds them of a blessing from God.

Allow 30 seconds for children to look around and 30 seconds to pray silently before resuming your walk. When you return to the meeting area, discuss the most surprising thing each child found to pray about as they walked.

2. Bearing Burdens

Give each child a sheet of paper and a pencil. Have them write in the center of the paper a prayer concern they’d like to tell others. Then gather children in a circle (or several circles if you have a large group), and have children hold their paper.

Have the first child share the concern he or she wrote, then pass the paper to the person to the left. That person will say a short intercession for the child and rip off a piece of the paper.

Continue around the circle until each child has asked God for help with that need and torn off a piece of the paper. Then have the second child share his or her need, and so on until all the children are prayed for.

Afterward ask, “What happened to the papers?” Explain that in the same way that our papers became smaller, so our burdens seem smaller when others pray for us.

3. FaithWorks

Write the word “faith” on a large piece of butcher paper. Have each child write on a strip of masking tape a prayer that God has answered. The prayer can be their own, someone else’s, or a situation from the Bible. Use the children’s tape strips to attach the butcher paper to the wall.

Discuss with children that it’s important to share answered prayers because they encourage people’s faith. Seeing how God has answered in the past gives us faith for the future.

For kids who have prayer requests, have them write their requests on the faith poster as an expression of their belief that God will hear and answer their prayers. Each week highlight requests that God has answered.

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