On Tuesday (Feb. 8), Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey tweeted a photo of himself wearing a pin from Planned Parenthood that read “ABORTION” as a part of his attire for the State of the Union address. The pin featured the shape of a heart inside the first “o” of the word.
Markey explained that he was wearing the pin in support of Congress codifying abortion access, adding that abortion “is essential healthcare.”
Markey’s tweet has been seen over 1.4 million times and has received over 4,000 comments, many of which are critical.
One person told Markey to “REPENT! God is watching you.” Another said, “Abortion is murder. Sickening.”
Ed Stetzer, Outreach Magazine editor-in-chief and host of the Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast, tweeted, “This is heartbreaking at so many levels. A tiny heart? Do they not even see the irony? Pastors, I encourage you to speak up on issues of life. Help build a culture of life that changes hearts and minds.”
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Stetzer also directed followers to a recent article he wrote for “Focus on the Family” titled “Biblical Cues Pastors Can Use To Build a Pro-Life Culture in 2023.”
“We rejoice in the SCOTUS ruling from last year, knowing it represents the saving of many lives of pre-born children. But that ruling was only the beginning, as its repeal moved the issue from the federal level to individual states,” Stetzer wrote in that article.
Stetzer shared six biblical principles to help pastors continue working to create a culture where all life is valued, emphasizing that Christians must speak up for those who have no voice, from womb to tomb.
Stetzer called on pastors to be filled with both grace and truth, love for those who disagree, and discernment. He also encouraged church leaders to not listen to those who seek to demonize them, advocate at every level for the marginalized, get involved personally and locally within their communities, and continue to show and share the gospel.
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“May we be diligent and patient and see in the years to come a generation of children and families who speak of the things the Lord has done for us as we press into loving and caring for those in need, those who have no voice, and those whom God loves,” Stetzer wrote.