Sarah Jakes Roberts sermons offer powerful words for young people. The daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes, Jakes Roberts leads the Woman Evolve ministry. She also co-pastors The Potter’s House churches in Los Angeles and Denver.
In her books and speaking appearances, Sarah Jakes Roberts describes her adolescent struggles. Those include a pregnancy at 13, a marriage at 19 that ended in divorce, low self-esteem, and more. But by dealing with guilt and shame, she transformed from insecure and fearful to a “powerhouse.”
Now Jakes Roberts helps other women—including youth—“evolve into the best version of themselves.” For example, in this captivating sermon from 2020, she boldly ministers to teen girls and young adults. Her message in a nutshell? When you know better, you do better!
Lessons From Sarah Jakes Roberts Sermons
1. God can use anyone.
Sarah Jakes Roberts describes being an introvert, never expecting her path to include public speaking. “It’s just such a departure from…how I thought my life would be,” she tells the Los Angeles Times. “God puts you in situations that you’d never place yourself in. And I think that my life feels like evidence of that every day.”
2. Pray to slay prey.
In her messages, Jakes Roberts emphasizes the importance of prayer. She doesn’t shy away from the concept of spiritual warfare, especially in terms of sins and temptations that weigh people down. “I’m looking for prey to slay in Jesus name,” she says. “I’m claiming my victory and declaring war on strongholds.”
3. God has a plan and purpose for you.
In this encouraging sermon, Jakes Roberts assures listeners they aren’t “invisible.” Instead, God promises to provide strength when we’re weak. Plus, God has a specific purpose and plan for each of our lives. Your youth group members need to hear this message!