Mike Cosper: What ‘The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill’ Means for Church Leaders

mike cosper


Mike Cosper is the Director of Podcasting for Christianity Today, where he hosts “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill and “Cultivated: A Podcast about Faith and Work.” Mike served as one of the founding pastors at Sojourn Church in Louisville, Ky., from which he launched the collective Sojourn Music. He is the author of several books, including “Faith Among the Faithless” and “Rhythms of Grace.”

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Key Questions for Mike Cosper

-When your podcast series took off in popularity, how did you avoid falling into some of the pitfalls you were critiquing in Mars Hill Church and Mark Driscoll?

-What would you like to see happen from conversations on the unhealthy use of power in order for the church to be more healthy?

-How would you respond to some of the criticisms you received about how you addressed complementarianism and Reformed theology? 

-What would you say are some practical applications from your series for church leaders

Key Quotes From Mike Cosper

“The fact that God works in these kinds of broken spaces, if you’re not willing to tell that part of the story, you’re just lying.”

“Because it took off, I’m hopeful and optimistic that it’s catalyzing a conversation about power and weakness in leadership, repentance and leadership, spiritual abuse. I’m hoping it catalyzes a national conversation, maybe even a global conversation around those issues in a new and constructive way.”

“To me, it’s a continual question in my mind: What do we do with what the story reveals?”

“It’s truly 21st century problems that anybody can have a platform and that platform, because of the nature of virality, can explode really, really fast. So I would say on one level, I don’t think in and of itself media is evil and harmful and that it needs to be shut down. I think the lesson of Mars Hill is that we’ve got to be very, very careful about who we are promoting on that medium. Are they prepared for it?”

“I had a good pastor that along the way…began sort of reaching out to me, encouraging me, praying for me along the way. And we had a conversation one time, and he just had this very frank word in the midst of this thing, saying, ‘Hey, I hope you don’t forget about the judgment of God.’”

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Jessica Lea
Jessica is a content editor for ChurchLeaders.com and the producer of The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast. She has always had a passion for the written word and has been writing professionally for the past five years. When Jessica isn't writing, she enjoys West Coast Swing dancing, reading, and spending time with her friends and family.

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