
9 Strategies To Achieve Balance as a Leader: A Combat Veteran’s Advice

As a former combat soldier, I know all too well the toll that service can take on a person— physically, mentally and emotionally.

Practical Steps to a Small Church Discipleship Strategy

As a pastor of a smaller church, you know the joy of seeing someone come to Christ. But let’s be honest—when it comes to actually discipling that new believer, it can feel like you’re winging it. Here are five practical steps to help you create a clear discipleship strategy for your small church.

How Much Time Should You Spend on Sermon Prep?

Haddon Robinson wrote that experienced preachers he surveyed spent an average of 16 hours in sermon prep. That sounds more like it to me. That’s probably my average and I’ve been preaching for 25 years.

Millions in This World Are Blinded by the Enemy

As they walked away scratching their heads, clueless to the lovely little paradox the Lord had just laid on them, one could be heard to say, “I just don’t see it.” Exactly. Blinded by the enemy.

Jesus Wants Us To Ask How To Serve, Not Who To Serve

There’s a lot of dialogue going on right now in America over who “deserves” or “gets” to be our neighbor. But God has already settled this debate, decisively.

With Our Help, Kids Impacted by Incarceration Can Flourish

Research on resilience suggests that adverse childhood experiences don’t inevitably lead to childhood trauma. But preventing this adversity from becoming trauma with lifelong consequences requires consistent, loving, intentional support from individuals and communities.

5 Tips That Will Definitely Make You a Better Communicator

The bottom line, though, is this: People may admire your strengths, but they resonate with your weaknesses. It makes you a better communicator.

It Isn’t About Overcoming Language—It’s About Using It for Good

Language has always been a centerpiece of God’s plan to have a relationship with us. In fact, God is the ultimate linguist. There are nearly 7,000 languages in the world, and God knows every single one.