Need a creative way to teach the crucifixion? This visual object lesson about sin and forgiveness will stick in kids’ heads. Children will learn about the power of Jesus’ death on the cross for us.
Creative Way to Teach the Crucifixion
Was Jesus really the final sacrifice for our sins? Did he really take on all of our sin at the cross? These are big questions and often difficult concepts for children to wrap their minds around.
Help kids make sense of this with a Disappearing Sin object lesson. It’s especially perfect for visual learners (more than half the population).
Review my article about visual learners and how to teach these children most effectively. To sum it up, most children are visual learners, meaning they learn by seeing. This may be through pictures, videos, puppets, objects, or object lessons.
Get creative with your Sunday school class, and they’ll not only love you for it. They’ll also remember more of what you teach than ever before!
One creative way to teach about the crucifixion is to show how Jesus took on our sins.
How to Do This Crucifixion Object Lesson
- a plate
- a coin
- a candle
- matches (or lighter)
- a cup of colored water (any color)
- a clear drinking glass