
Childhood Trauma: Developmentally Appropriate and Trauma-Informed Interventions

When treating kids with trauma, I remember these two crucial elements: therapeutic relationships are essential, and being developmentally appropriate is honoring. For the sake of children, let’s join in the play.

The Church and Mental Illness: We Are Called to Care

For many, a mental illness—theirs or a loved one’s—cuts right into the way they see themselves, God, and their community of faith. Here are ways people need the Church to step up and connect.

The Church and Mental Illness

I encourage churches to actively train and deploy “Christian firemen”—running toward those being devastated by the “flames” of mental illness when everyone else is running away.

Rethinking Mental Health Care: How the Church Can Transform a Broken System

Mental health is the great mission field of the 21st century, and it is time the Church recognized its God-given role. The involvement of the Church is the missing piece necessary to transform our broken system.

Youth Bible Study on Mental Health: 12 Resources to Use With Teens

Leading a youth Bible study on mental health can provide fascinating, applicable insights for students.

Post Traumatic Church Disorder: 12 Symptoms and 5 Treatments

Just below the surface, it affects daily interactions, vision casting and strategic planning. It affects how we relate to God and how we relate to others. I call it Post Traumatic Church Disorder.

Medical Missions: How Community Health Evangelism Heals Lives and Transforms Hurting Communities

Community Health Evangelism/Education (CHE) incorporates physical and spiritual education with a special focus on prevention of disease, not treatment after the fact. These medical missions heal an transform communities.

Coming Out, Mental Health Crisis in the Background of Steve Austin’s Suicide

Recent blog posts from former pastor Steve Austin show that before his apparent suicide, he had come out as queer and his wife, Lindsey Austin, was hospitalized for significant mental health problems.