3 Reasons Why You Should Pray the Day After the Sermon
God is leading me to a new level of faithfulness after the sermon. Not just a quick summary prayer at the end of the message, but prayer in the nights and days that follow.
8 Principles for Pastoring in a Politicized Age
Rightly practiced, pastoring in a politicized age and preaching doesn’t minimize the trials of the week, but simply regulates them to a different kingdom.
Articles for Pastors
New Research for Better Preaching
Jesus illustrates to us how we can best effect durable learning by better preaching. But ultimately it requires a learner’s active engagement and God’s work to effect transformation.
5 Christmas Preaching Ideas From One Passage
There might be enough material to ignite all of your Christmas preaching in just one passage. Take Luke’s famous account of the annunciation.
Preaching & Teaching
Narrative Preaching: Do You Make These 10 Mistakes?
Let's consider the pitfalls we must avoid in order to preach with power when we take up narrative preaching. Too many preachers miss these vital skills necessary to preach the narrative portions of the scripture
The Doctrine of the Church: Its Meaning, Members, and Means
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once made this observation: “If we do not understand the…doctrine of the Church, there is a sense in which all its appeals and exhortations and indicatives will be quite meaningless to us.”
Preaching & Teaching
4 Quotes About Preaching That Have Recently Challenged Me
I’ve recently spent some time reviewing books about preaching and renewing my fervor for the task. Here are some quotes that have challenged me.
Articles for Pastors
How a Sanctified Imagination Can Improve Your Preaching
A sanctified imagination has the potential to help us connect with the daily lives of our congregation and improve our preaching.