“And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.’” Mark 2:17
This is personally so encouraging to me. I know how it goes. We like to put certain Christians on a pedestal. Some of them enjoy being perceived as perfect. But Jesus has no time for those who think they have it all together. In fact he remembers only too well his encounters with people like that: They were the Pharisees, his greatest enemies.
If, like me, you are only too aware of your weakness, failures and sins, then this verse is great news for us. No matter how sick you continue to be, Jesus is the Great Physician. No matter what sin you have committed, he is willing and ready to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
There are two types of people who go to church: those who like to pretend they are perfect, and those who know that, despite their best efforts, they will never be perfect this side of eternity.
I wonder what we can do to ensure that we don’t feed the illusion that “special Christians” are superior to ordinary ones. How can we learn to be more honest and open about the ongoing struggles we all have? We don’t need always to share details, of that I’m sure. Wisdom plays a part here. But we do others major damage if we give the impression we are anything other than needy people who are wholly dependent on God.