Home Pastors Videos For Pastors John Piper: Why PhDs in Theology Commit Adultery

John Piper: Why PhDs in Theology Commit Adultery


It is a dangerous thing to participate in “graduate school sins” while having a “grammar school knowledge of God.” In a provocative video of a sermon preached by John Piper, he asserts that there are probably more people with graduate degrees in theology that commit adultery than people who are less educated. Piper’s blunt answer to why PhDs in theology commit adultery is that “they don’t know God!”

An individual can read theology for 10 hours a day for 40 years straight and not know God as beautiful, all satisfying, and the highest treasure of one’s life. Who cares about knowing God the way the devil knows God. The devil hates everybody and knowledge about God helps him hate people. We must remember that there are more pleasures at God’s right hand and more eternal joys in His presence than to commit adultery in ten thousand sexual trysts. The question is, do you know that?

When we truly understand this truth, then sin will have lost its dominion in our life.