Children's Ministry Leaders

Hope for Hurting Parents When Kids Rebel

"What do you do during this stage, while you’re waiting for your child to come to repent?"

Choosing to Grow Before You Go

When we are facing frustration, choosing to grow through it rather than go from it is typically our best initial choice.

Is it Possible to Find Balance Between Your Job and Your Personal Life?

Here are three ways we can fight for balance between our work and our personal lives.

Seven Principles for Angry Parents Disciplining Angry Children

"How do we discipline exasperating kids without in turn exasperating them unnecessarily?"

Stop Being Overwhelmed by Your To-Do List

Whether you have already created your to-do list or just getting started, here are five tips to help you complete it and maybe check off a few more tasks.

The Selfie Generation’s Self-Image Struggle

35 percent of kids are worried about people tagging them in unattractive photos.