How Is Your EQ?

emotional intelligence
Photo by Jopwell:


Invite Trustworthy People To Journey With You

Embarking on an exploration into uncharted emotional territory is a daunting task. It is a journey that requires safe and trustworthy companions. Your companions should include someone who has already walked the emotional road upon which you are stepping. These companions could be a senior ministry leader, a licensed mental health professional, a spiritual mentor, etc. Can you name at least one person who could be your partner on this journey?

Invest in the Challenge

You will need strength, courage, endurance, and perseverance. You will be tempted to abandon the road because it will be hard at times. Expect to change and to be changed. The more of your emotional self you surrender to God, the more of your life you have available to serve him. What obstacles stand in your way of beginning this journey?

This article originally appeared here. 

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Full Strength Network
Full Strength Network exists to help ministry leaders discover full strength in wellbeing in areas like richer spiritual health, deeper relationships, and increased leadership capacity.

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