Patience Object Lesson for Sunday School: God Is With Us While We Wait

patience object lesson
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  • How is waiting for the marker line to move like waiting for God to answer a prayer?

Say: Patience is a fruit of the Spirit. When we pray, sometimes we have to wait for God to answer. Our hopes and prayers aren’t always answered right away. But good—even beautiful—things can happen while we wait.

Share a story about something good that God brought into your life while you were waiting. Perhaps as you prayed for healing from sickness, a friend brought you chicken noodle soup to help you feel better. Or maybe you were waiting for a new job, and God gave you an opportunity to take a fun class to help build your résumé.


  • How has God surprised you with something good in the past when you were patient?

Say: Patience is a fruit of the Spirit. God is with us and can bring good things into our lives while we wait.

This patience object lesson is from Group’s DIG IN curriculum. This article was originally published on, © Group Publishing, Inc.

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