One of the toughest things to teach our kids is the Attitude of Gratitude. Gratitude is a posture easily lost in our fast-paced life-style where immediate gratification is the expectation. But showing Gratitude is a skill that requires practice.
This week in Connor’s God Time there is a challenge to read 1 Thessalonians 5:18 then make a Gratitude box. So, last night we grabbed a shoe box, cut a hole in the top, and wrapped it in Connor’s favorite wrapping paper. We sat in the living room with pieces of paper and everyone wrote down something or someone for which they were thankful and put it in the box. Then we set the box on our dining room table. Over the next few weeks, we’ll take time over dinner to write down something for which we’re thankful and put it in the box. By the time we reach Thanksgiving Day, we’ll have a box full of things or people we are grateful to have in our lives.
What a great idea. It gives me a better perspective on the moments I’m frustrated when my kids seem ungrateful for all that they have. The concept of practicing Gratitude is the same as practicing a skill like basketball. As we do it over and over and over again… we get better at it.