Christian News

Mike Pence Becomes First Vice President to Attend March for Life

"We will not rest until we restore a culture of life in America for ourselves and our posterity."

Evangelicals Push Back on Trump’s Ban on Refugees

“The question for the American Christian is: Will we speak out on behalf of those who are running from the very terror that we are rightly trying to put an end to?”

House Makes First Move to Permanently Ban Taxpayer Money From Funding Abortions

If the bill also passes in the Senate, it will move to President Trump, whose office has already communicated his inclination to sign the bill into law.

Couple Who Lost Two Sons in Car Accident Expecting Twins

"We’re rejoicing, and thank Jesus for these two precious little ones!”

Trump Sets Record Inviting 6 to Pray at Inauguration

Trump invited a diverse group of clergy to pray at his inauguration.

John Piper: How to Live Under a Trump Presidency

"Do not think of the molehill of moral and social disadvantages of a Trump presidency. Think of the Himalayan mountain range of blessings we have in Christ."

Retraining Our Minds on the Things of Christ: Thoughts as We Draw Closer to Inauguration Day

"Regardless of how you voted, it’s just obvious that this has had a negative impact on the reputation of Evangelicals."

5 Scripture-Based Prayers to Pray Over the Inauguration

Although our circumstances may not line up exactly with the exiles to whom Jeremiah writes, his instruction to keep their hope and their faith in God during a very troubled time is exactly on point with what we need to be praying during this season of our own history.