Small Group Leaders

One Simple Idea — Promote Small Groups in Your Worship Service

From the platform give a one-minute (or less!) vision talk to promote small groups and then ask those standing (i.e., small group attendees) to meet and greet someone nearby who is still seated (i.e., potential small group attendees!).

3 Trademarks of a Growing, Healthy Friendship

If I had to summarize Ephesians 4, this is what I would say: The highest joys of friendship grow in the soil of the deepest struggles.

The Cell Church Philosophy

In contrast to traditional churches where believers have a passive and consumer role, cell churches are committed to helping each member become actively involved both the cell and the celebration.

The Spirit Creates

There is no one way to do church. There is no one way to do small groups.

Seeing Leadership Potential in Everyone

We often look for those who mesh with our personality but pass over those who follow a different drummer.

4 Movements I’m Watching in Small Group Ministry

Currently, I am dedicating my time, talent and treasure to four movements where we are seeing lives transformed and communities reached with the Gospel.

6 Leadership Truths We Can Learn From Legos

There’s a special tool for when you make mistakes. I love that Lego assumes you’ll make mistakes.